Hybrid Strategies

Quantitative information and qualitative insight in one step

Sometimes the constraints of time, budget or questions do not permit a dual-phase (qualitative followed by quantitative) project design: here, a hybrid method can be used, in which we ideally combine quantitative and qualitative techniques in one project. For selected questions, this pragmatic compromise provides you with a greater scope of results and recommendations for action than the deployment of one individual method.

Your Questions

  • Do you wish to quickly and efficiently analyse a new topic not yet transparent to you?

  • Do you want to reach a deeper understanding of customer relationships and service experiences?

  • Do you wish to examine complex products or services with the greatest possible validity?

Our Solution

  • We conduct brief, qualitative-quantitative telephone interviews.

  • Our interviewers are specifically trained in the topic and able to explain the product or range of services to the respondents; they conduct one-on-one interviews.


Your Results

  • Complete insight into customer perception, even if there are no experiences with the topic yet at hand.

  • Rough quantification of this insight to acquire a sense of the relevance and frequency of possible customer opinions and responses, or e.g. to select from several product variations those that are most suited to the target group.

  • A large number of original and longer customer quotes that help to underpin the results in-house.

  • A far-reaching, qualitative analysis of how product advantages and disadvantages are perceived in context with the personal circumstances of the target group, provided that longer one-on-one interviews were conducted.

  • Compared with the purely quantitative method, valid results when testing complex and difficult products and services.


Contact us

Thomas Donath Managing Partner
+49 (0) 21 03 / 25 819 - 22