Max-Diff Analysis

Identyfing what's really important to customers

The max-diff method is a suitable research procedure for determining the relevance of features with only one characteristic (feature present versus not present) with precise selectivity. Like the conjoint analysis, it avoids the problem of claims' inflation ("everything is important"), as it forces the interviewees to prioritize. Confronted with several features, the interviewee has to decide which feature is the most, and which the least, important.

Your Questions

  • Which services or product characteristics are most important to the customer?

  • Which services or product characteristics are most likely dispensable from the customers' perspective?

  • Which target groups can be identified on the basis of feature prioritization?

Our Solution

We have developed our own software for max-diff analyses, providing us with maximum flexibility in tailoring the method to suit your questions. If necessary, features can adaptively be adjusted to respondents' information. For instance, features that are only important for a certain target group can be displayed exclusively to this target group. Furthermore, descriptive mouseover texts can also be added to the feature descriptions, thus providing a vivid communication of more complex features.

After the interview, the established hierarchical Bayes method is applied in order to determine relevance of the features. This method permits a reliable measurement of relevance while using the lowest possible number of questions.


Your Results

  • We use relevance values to elucidate the services your customers would wish for, resp. the product features particularly important to customers.

  • We indicate possible compensation in the case of advantages and disadvantages.

  • If possible, we link the relevances with performance indicators to demonstrate strategic strengths and weaknesses.

  • Based on the relevance values, we identify different partial target groups that help you ideally align products and their communication.

Contact us

Dr. Torsten Melles Managing Partner
+49 (0) 21 03 / 25 819 - 33