Lectures and events by NORDLIGHT research

Please find an overview on lectures given by NORDLIGHT research staff at conferences, trade fairs, university events, etc. here. Please contact us if you are interested in further information about the lectures!


January 2016

Colloquium "Fireside chat about fields of practice at institute market research" at the University of Münster (Institute of Psychologie):

Rafael Jaron presented the institute of market research as a field of practice to psychology students.


October 2015

Workshop with Thomas Donath at the Research & Results on the topic "Still is the sea, the German energy customers are sleeping":

After the liberalisation of the market and the explosion of brands it is now relatively quiet at the energy market. A big part of the customers has not changed the supplier yet and does not plan to do this. Simultaneously a large Number of new suppliers has divided the more ready to change clients by themselves, which is why this companies partially can register only a manageable number of clients. The loss and win of clients often balance out. In this workshop we take a look at customer loyality and brand awareness at the German private client market.

July 2015

Lecture on the topic "MARKETING TRENDS and RESEARCH" at the FOM (University of economics and management, Köln):

In a lecture series Rafael Jaron spoke about the current development of market research trends and their possible applications in marketing.

April 2015

Bachelor thesis on the topic "Website Evaluation at Different Phases of Website Use" wins Best Thesis Award at German Online Research Conference:

The bachelor thesis of Mrs Flacke (University of Münster), which was written in cooperation with NORDLIGHT research, was honored at the GOR 2015 with Best Thesis Award.

For more information click here.


November 2014

Webinar on marktforschung.de on the topic "Explore services skilful: An overview in the field":

Mr Donath prestented different approved research methods with their practical strengths and weaknesses. The overview includes established methods e.g. KANO, Conjoint, Max-Diff, Psychodrama or the In-depth interview as well as own developments for example the OE Mirror module which enables to comment on open indications in surveys for other participants.

We would be pleased to send interested customers unable to attend the webinar a copy of the presentation.

October 2014

Lecture of Dr Torsten Melles at the Research & Results on the topic "Comparison on classical No Choice-Option and Dual Response in Choice Based Conjoint (CBC)":

In CBC you chose the preferred one out of various. To make this task as realistic as possible and to collect indications of consumer acceptance a No Choice-Option can be integrated. But if this option is chosen to often, you lose informatin about the preferences. A two stage survey avoids this: First participants chose between the products and states afterwards whether he or she would buy the product. We explain by reference to empirical results how far the theoretical advantage of the Dual Response shows in the field.

July 2014

Lecture "Market Research as a Profession" (University of Münster):

On the intivtation of Prof Dr Carmen Binnewies (organisational and business psychology) Dr Torsten Melles spoke about the fields in which psychologists operate in market research.


May 2014

Lecture on the topic "Marketing trends and research" at the FOM (University for economics and Management, Köln):

In a lecture series Rafael Jaron spoke about the current development of market research trends and their possible applications in marketing.

March 2014

Poster award for Maria Douneva, Rafael Jaron and Meinald Thielsch at German Online Research Conference:

For their poster "Effects of website design on first impressions, aesthetic judgments, and memory performance" the authors were honored at the GOR 2014.  The poster was based on the thesis of Maria Douneva which was written in cooperation with NORDLIGHT research.

For more information click here.


March 2014

Webinar on marktforschung.de with the topic: Private client energy market in motion - Advance conrol with market research":

It is a big challenge for the whole sector to leave the price as exclusive distinguishing feature behind and to develop for customers interesting products. Altough the mass of clients currently is relativly passive, it should be profitable for ahead thinking suppliers to bundle tariffs, services and energy related products and to merchandise them with a for the target group relevant appeal. Thomas Donath gave an overview of our previous researches and showed by reference to results, at which market research is able to support.

We would be pleased to send interested customers unable to attend the webinar a copy of the presentation.



October 2013

NORDLIGHT research with new stand at the market research fair:

As well as in the last years we are represented with a optical new stand at the fair. If you already hace decided to vitis the fair, we would like to welcome you at stand 158. Besides we invite you to the two workshops of NORDLIGHT research: "The mobile survey participant - curse or blessind" with Dr Torsten Melles and "Brand champions in the own company: Does the interal branding work" with Thomas Donath and Sabine Pützfeld.

September 2013

Webinar on marktforschung.de with the topic "Successful internal branding: How do employees experience and understand the brand of their own company?":

A systematic analysis of the brand perception and awareness of the employees of a company is important, but comparatively rare - Thomas Donath takes this opportunity to present this very interesting part of the organisational research and to impart the analysis of internal brand perception and awareness as well as brand strategical commitments for successful interal branding.

We would be pleased to send interested customers unable to attend the webinar a copy of the presentation.


July 2013

Lecture "Market Research as a Profession":

On the invitation of Prof Dr Guido Hertel (organisational and business psychology) Dr Torsten Melles spoke at the University of Münster about the fields in which psychologists operate in market research.


February 2013

Webinar on marktforschung.de with the topic "Qualitative‐quantitative hybrid market research in practice"
Mr Donath presented three field-tested hybrid strategies of combined qualitative-quantitative research: two methodical strategies and our innovative tool 'OE mirror'. These research hybrids reward your company with multifaceted, and in places, even more reliable results than the individual qualitative or quantitative approach could respectively yield.
We would be pleased to send interested customers unable to attend the webinar a copy of the presentation.


October 2012

Workshop at the market research fair 'Research & Results' in Munich:

Thomas Donath spoke on the explosion of brand variety in the liberalised energy market. The workshop helped analyse what customers think about various energy brands and how they incorporate brand variety in their decision-making processes.

October 2012

Workshop at the market research fair 'Research & Results' in Munich: Drawing on the title "1+1: qualitative-quantitative hybrid market research in practice"

Thomas Donath presented various field-tested hybrids of combined qualitative-quantitative research strategies.


November 2011

Lecture in the degree course "Media in Education" at the Freiburg University of Education:

As part of a lecture series Rafael Jaron spoke on the use of market research methods for the evaluation of print and new media.

October 2011

Workshop at the market research fair 'Research & Results' in Munich:

Under the title "Which conjoint method is the best?", Dr Torsten Melles presented the results of an extensive validation study that put different conjoint methods through their paces.

October 2011

Workshop at the market research fair 'Research & Results' in Munich:

Thomas Donath spoke on the issue of how the catastrophe in and around Fukushima-Daiichi and the resultant unusually impulsive paradigm and policy changes impacted on private energy customers’  attitudes, preferences and willingness to pay a surcharge.

May 2011

Lecture "Market Research as a Profession":

On the invitation of PWM (Psychology in Business and Media) Dr Torsten Melles spoke at the University of Münster about the fields in which psychologists operate in market research.


October 2010

Workshop at the market research fair 'Research & Results' in Munich:

Dr Torsten Melles reported on 'Dos and Don’ts' in conducting conjoint studies in the services sector and tabled suitable proposals for presenting ideal stimuli in a test situation.

October 2010

Workshop at the market research fair 'Research & Results' in Munich:

Thomas Donath provided insight into selected research results from NORDLIGHT research GmbH's own studies on the topic of "Electricity as a product in the research into communication and advertising impact". He demonstrated how intelligent product and brand communication can also help the product 'electricity' to deliberately target customer types with different preferences and lifestyles.

October 2010

Lecture at SmartEnergy2010 in Cologne:

The MCC specialist conference 'SmartEnergy2010' was held in Cologne on 30.09. and 01.10.2010. Suppliers, service providers and various organisations discussed and spoke on the topic of 'Smart meters'. Representing NORDLIGHT research, Mr Thomas Donath provided an addition to the varied talks and spoke on "Smart meters from the perspective of private customers: opportunities, reservations and potential", using the title to provide a summary on current progress in market research into this topic.

Summer 2010

Guest lecture and eye-tracking simulation at the VR-NetWorld Symposia:

Rafael Jaron spoke at this year's VR-NetWorld GmbH Customer Symposium (www.vrrichtungsweisend.de) on the topic of "The significance of usability, yesterday and today". NORDLIGHT research also attended the event locations in Munich, Frankfurt, Münster and Stuttgart with an eye-tracking setup to offer live demonstrations of the method.

Spring/summer 2010

Lecture on the topic of market and consumer psychology at the University of Applied Sciences in Osnabrück:

Dr Torsten Melles is appointed to teach at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences in the summer semester 2010. Students at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences are given insight into topics such as customer satisfaction, product concept tests, pricing, advertising impact, brand impact, neuro-market research and web usability. The main focus of his teaching is on the psychological aspects of each topic. Students are also given the opportunity to try out many of the methods themselves, among them eye-tracking.


October 2009

NORDLIGHT research stand and workshop at the market research fair in Munich:

NORDLIGHT research had its own stand at this year's 'Research & Results' fair. In addition, Thomas Donath presented new survey strategies for customer loyalty and driver analysis in a workshop. We would be pleased to send you a copy of his talk.

September 2009

Lecture at "Mensch und Computer 2009" at the Humboldt University in Berlin:

Rafael Jaron spoke on the topic of "User experience in market research – developments and outlook".

August 2009

Thomas Donath was interviewed by WDR 5 about the results of an internal study on the topic of mail order:

As part of the WDR TV show 'Zeitzeichen', on the 100th anniversary of the entrepreneur Werner Otto, Thomas Donath presented selected results of a current mail order study conducted by NORDLIGHT research.

April 2009

Lecture at German Online Research 2009 (GOR) "Using Tag Clouds to Analyse and Visualise Results of Open Ended Questions" in Vienna:

Dr Torsten Melles presented a new online tool to categorise open-ended responses. The tool classifies open-ended answers using semiautomatic drag & drop technology and visualisation as tag clouds.

April 2009

Lecture at German Online Research 2009 (GOR) "Understanding the Web: Usability, Content, Design or what influences User-Perception the most? Key Results of an experimental Web Study" in Vienna:

Dr Meinald Thielsch and Rafael Jaron spoke about a website experiment conducted in cooperation with NORDLIGHT research and the University of Münster for the analysis of the  impact of the three website factors content, usability and aesthetics on user behaviour.


November 2008

Workshop at the market research fair 'Research & Results' in Munich:

Dr Torsten Melles und Thomas Donath presented a method to simulate choices in conjoint analyses, using the example of decisions on electricity rates as a demonstration (prices and energy mix).

June 2008

Lecture at NEON-Plenum des Berufsverbands Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforscher e.V. (BVM) in Köln:

Rafael Jaron spoke  on the topic of "How Web 2.0 Technologies Can Become a Valuable Part of Online Research", presenting new methods of online data sourcing, above all in the field of quantitative website research.

Spring/summer 2008

Seminar at the University of Münster on the topic of market research:

Dr Torsten Melles is appointed to teach at the WWU Münster in the summer semester 2008. Students at the Faculty of Psychology are given insight into the work of market researchers, including designing questionnaires, data analysis and in the application fields of product tests and research into satisfaction.

March 2008

Lecture at German Online Research 2008 (GOR) in Hamburg:

Rafael Jaron once more presented his GOR lecture on "How Web 2.0 Technologies Can Become a Valuable Part of Online Research", presenting new methods of online data sourcing, above all in the field of quantitative website research.

January 2008

Lecture and workshop at the event "Studium...und danach? – Perspektiven der Pädagogischen Psychologie" at the University of Münster:

Rafael Jaron spoke on the topic of "Applied communication between experts and laypersons in optimising the usability of Internet applications", presenting fields of application for instructional psychology and the expert-layperson paradigm in the field of market research.


November 2007

Lecture  "Of bean counters and the art of asking questions – Where psychologists work in market research":

On the invitation of PWM (Psychology in Business and Media) Dr Torsten Melles spoke at the University of Münster on the areas in which quantitative market research is applied.

March 2007

Lecture at German Online Research 2007 (GOR) "On forecasting of product potential based on survey data - Good intentions are very popular. They can always be used again" in Leipzig:

Dr Torsten Melles and Sabine Pützfeld spoke on the discrepancy between the expression of purchase intentions and actual buying habits. The extent of discrepancies is tested and the reasons explored in various product categories as part of an empirical longitudinal analysis.